Best High-Tech Gifts for Students This Holiday

Best High-Tech Gifts for Students This Holiday

It’s that time of year again! When the holidays roll around each year, it’s normal to feel a mixture of emotions: excitement, anticipation, dread, stress- and each year, without exception, you have to figure out what to buy everyone.

Luckily, if you have a kid or close relative who is a student (and college/university seems to have taken over their lives) then we’ve got you covered this holiday period. Here are some of the things that we at Trueform, Seattle’s coolest gadget store, think will make the best holiday gifts for your college-age kids:  

The Scanmarker Air

Harnessing the power of Bluetooth and OCR technologies, the Scanmarker Air allows the user to scan any text with the click of a button, and the scanned text is transmitted to the user’s preferred device, whether that be their computer, smartphone or tablet. This is a really useful tool which students can use to make notes from textbooks, or class hand-outs; it’ll even read your notes out loud if you want it to. More than this, if the student you’re buying for is heavy into their foreign languages- maybe they’re taking a modern foreign language class, or two –this revolutionary marker can translate up to 40+ languages.

Price: $109.00 (Special offer: usually $119.00)  


The Neo Smartpen N2 and Ncode Paper

This pen and paper set allows students to write virtually on smart paper, with the Neo N2 Smartpen, and everything they write will be transferred to their preferred device. This is perfect for students who take notes in lectures, but would rather have a typed-up set of notes, than a scruffy notebook filled with barely-legible scribbles (the notes in which will probably end up lost, anyway). More than this, if the student you’re buying for is somewhat of an artist, this is a great tool to produce digital art, and is a popular piece of equipment in the modern art world. Price (Smart pen): $159.00 (Special offer: usually $169.00) 
Price (N-Code A4 paper): $9.99 


The device also works as a power bank. Students can charge their phones or other devices on the go.
Price: $179.00  


The Sapphire Touch Portable WiFi Hotspot.

If a student has to study, or desperately needs to finish an assignment, but their WiFi isn’t working, or they’re on a bus, train, café or somewhere else without WiFi, this portable WiFi hotspot could be their saviour - the difference between a pass and a fail. What could be a better holiday gift than the gift of a better degree? 



The ESPRO Travel Coffee Press P1  

I’ve yet to meet a student who isn’t, to some extent, addicted to coffee. With often-hectic class schedules, and the occasional need for assignment-completing all-nighters, this is a no-brainer gift for all students. Equipped with two micro-filters, this stainless-steel press allows students to make delicious, hot coffee on the go, if they’re late to a lecture, seminar, or exam, but are in desperate need of a caffeine boost- and it makes for a particularly fitting holiday gift, since coffee is the perfect beverage to take comfort in when the days get colder.

Price: $35.95 (Special offer: usually $39.95)c


Especially when you consider that the majority of these gifts are on offer now, up until the end of the year- some of the best holiday tech deals on the market this minute -there’s no better time to make an investment in your college-age kids’ futures, as well as put a smile on their face this holiday period. At one of Seattle’s coolest gadget stores, Trueform, you’ll be sure to find the best holiday gifts for your kids.